Thursday 5 April 2007

Very Easy Convinient Steamed Fatt Koh/ Huat Kueh 電鍋發糕

Huat kueh (hokkien) or Fatt Koh (cantonese) is chinese blossom steam cup cake. Most os them will steam iit using toddy(palm wine) or using Eno (fruit salt) to ensure good high rise steam cake. I saw this recipe from a taiwanese website, it is very easy.

Source: YTower

cake flour 100g
icing sugar 80g
baking powder 4g
water 105ml

1. Sift cake flour and icing sugar at least 3 times to make sure no more lumps.
2. Add 95ml water into cake flour and icing sugar,stir till smooth batter.
3. Dissolve baking powder in 10ml water.Then add into batter.Stir well and rest for 5 minutes.
4. Pour into moulds.Steam over rapid boiling water about 20 minutes.

1. Don't open when fatt kog are steamed.After 20 minutes,slowly open the cover lid,take the fatt kohh after awhile.
2. The water must fully steamed,put your fatt koh to steam only over rapid boiling water.
3. You can use rice cooker to steam fatt kohh.
4. Don't put too much fatt koh to steam at once,it may reduce the fatt koh to raise up.

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