I still remember when I was a kids, my parents will give me a cheese bun every friday as a snack. I like it but quite hard to find it at here in Netherlands, so I try to make it by myself. It is soft, with a little crusty crunch creese on top and tasty.
Source: Alan OOi Bread Magic
(Sweet Buns)
330g bread flour
1/2 tsp salt
11/2 tbsp milk powder
60g sugar
120ml water
12g instant yeast
1 egg
40g butter
110g diced butter
6 slices cheedar cheese (diced)
1 egg (beaten)
6 slices cheedar cheese (diced)
(sweet buns)
1. Combine all dry ingredients, add in egg,water and yeast and knead to a smooth dough, add in butter and continue knead until become a smooth and test the dough by streched into a thin layer without tearing and it is ready. If not, continue knead till it is done.
2. Remove the dough and leave it in a big bowl and covered with a damp clothes. Leave to prove till double size in a warm but dark place.
3. Scale the dough for 60g each ball, Flatten the dough and wrap the filling, seal it and place them on a greased tray. Cover the tray with damp clothes and proof it till double size.
4. Brush the surface with beaten egg, sprinkle some diced cheese on top. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degree celcious for 15 minutes or till golden brown. Remove and cool on wire reack. served.